
Research at SSZZ

Research is carried out at the SingStimmZentrum Zürich. In collaboration with the University of Basel (PD Dr. Claudio Storck) and the ZHdK (research focus on musical interpretation) work is currently in progress on the following projects:

Development of a model to predict the optimal voice type of female singers in training based on a multivariate analysis of anatomical and acoustic parameters.

The aim of the project is to develop a model for predicting the voice type based on a multivariate analysis of anatomical and acoustic parameters. For this purpose, measurements on 25 professional female alto and soprano singers each will be used to univariately test parameters known from the literature as well as two new parameters proposed by us for their correlation with voice type.





J Voice. 2016 Jul 11. (Journal of Voice)

Three-dimensional Imaging of High-resolution Computer Tomography of Singers’ Larynges-A Pilot Study.




Laryngoscope, 2017

3D analysis oft he movement oft he laryngeal cartilages during singing

(Unteregger F, Honegger, F, Potthast S, Zwicky S, Schiwowa J, Storck C)




Size matters – The impact of vocal fold elongation on vocal pitch depending on three crico-thyriodal joint types assessed by HRCT

(Unteregger F, Honegger, F, Potthast S, Zwicky S, Schiwowa J, Storck C)




„Measurement of Vocal Fold Elongation during Singing“

(Zwicky S, Schiwowa S, Semmler M, Birk V, Döllinger M, Storck C)




Welchen Stellenwert hat das Chorsingen für die Chormitglieder?

Barbara Böhi, Konzertsängerin und Gesangspädagogin SMPV, Prof. Dr. Sarah Chiller, Psychologin

Die Studie wurde im April 2018 abgeschlossen – hier geht es zu den Ergebnissen


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