
Logopedic voice therapy

Logopedic voice therapy can also help with disorders of the singing voice. It is the therapy of choice for disorders caused by misuse of the speaking voice. After surgical interventions, the singing voice is first slowly rebuilt with logopaedic voice therapy. The speech and language therapists at the SingStimmZentrumZürich all have specialised knowledge about the singing voice.

In logopedic voice therapy, both organic and functional voice disorders are treated. After paralysis, lesions of the vocal folds or operations and in the case of overuse or misuse of the voice, speech and language therapy starts with rehabilitation.

After an initial assessment, the patient’s vocal goals are worked on. The aim is to achieve a healthy voice function with exercises on body awareness, breathing, building up the voice and resonance, and voice relaxation. Principles of vocal hygiene and economical use of the voice are discussed together.

Physiological muscle coordination is to be developed in order to keep the voice resilient in the long term. With an individually compiled exercise programme, the demands on the speaking or the singing voice in the daily life are to be achieved more easily again.

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